The History and Benefits of Lavander – Amrita Court Essential Oils

Series 1 The Really True, True Lavender Story 1 - True Lavender

Series 1 The Really True, True Lavender Story 1 - True Lavender

When someone wishes to purchase a bottle of “Lavender Oil”, a wide difference of quality and composition all can be purchased!
As the most popular essential oil used in Aromatherapy (and in many fragrance compositions), it suffers from it’s fame, in terms of what is offered to the unsuspecting public (and therapists!).

So, what is True Lavender?

Common Name: True Lavender
Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia
Family: Lamiacaea
Plant Part: Flowering tops
Extraction Method: Steam distillation or solvent extraction
Blending Factor: 7
Note: Top
Blends Well With: Angelica, Benzoin, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Roman and German Chamomile, Clary Sage, Everlasting, Fennel, Geranium,
Grapefruit, Ho leaf, Jasmine, Lemon, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Vetiver, Violet Leaf, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang.


True Lavender originates from the alpine areas of Southern France and northern Italy, found at 800 metres and above in it’s wild state. Now cultivated for oil production in France, Russia, Bulgaria, China, Australia, India, Italy and North Africa. The steam distilled oil is the common oil of commerce; Lavender absolute is also produced by hexane extraction for fragrance uses. The accepted botanical name for True Lavender these days is Lavandula angustifolia. You may still
occasionally see the names L. vera (vera means “true”) or L. officinalis. Many so-called “Lavenders” in gardens are often Lavandins or hybrid Lavenders, a sterile cross between Spike Lavender (L. latifolia) and True Lavender. In commercial production of essential oil, the bulk of the world production is that of various hybrid Lavender types, Lavandin Grosso, Abrial, “super acetate” and others. Inexpensive, so called “Lavender” oils are invariably blends of Lavandins and perhaps a touch of synthetic compounds. Lavandins are less expensive because they produce substantially larger flower heads, hence they have a significantly higher yield of essential oil. Lavandin “super linalyl acetate” properly grown and distilled is most similar of the Lavandins to True Lavender and is usable for the same applications.


One of the most popular oils in aromatherapy and used in European medicine for many centuries. It’s botanical name - Lavandula - is derived from the Latin “lavare” meaning “to wash” given it’s wide use to perfume baths, to fragrance clothes and to keep insects at bay. Both Lavender water and essential oil were used therapeutically in old Europe for it’s many possible uses including that of treating venomous snake bites! Lavender began it’s modern revival with the work of the French chemist, R. M. Gattefossé, discovering it’s excellent pain relieving and healing properties on his badly burnt arm, inspiring him to begin the practice of “Aromathérapie”. Gattefossé encouraged a number of physicians to use Lavender oil and they reported excellent results in treating various conditions, such as serious wounds and burns.


Lavender is a “balancer’, an oil that harmonises opposites, a systemic relaxant that regulates the flow of Qi. Lavender has the potential to both cool and sedate or to warm and stimulate, depending on the condition of the person, the dosage and the mode of application. So, in a hot, acute condition, such as infections with fever and congestion or inflamed conditions, Lavender will have a cooling, anti-inflammatory effect. Conversely, when used with cold and chronic conditions, with
chills, fatigue, cold extremities etc. a larger dose of Lavender will bring warmth and stimulation. This “balancing” action is evident with the cardiovascular system where Lavender can be used in fiery, “excess” conditions like heart palpitations, rapid heart rate, fever, anxiety etc or in “deficiency” conditions with shortness of breath, heart weakness, fatigue with exertion, cold extremities and depression where it has a more stimulating effect. Similarly, with infections with wind/heat, Lavender will both calm, relieve pain and fever as well as stimulate by inducing sweating and being anti-infectious.
Lavender has a marked effect on the central nervous system where again it can “balance” by inhibiting either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system hence sedating where there is unrest, agitation or anxiety and stimulating in the case of depression, reviving the spirits and the mind.
In summary, Lavender is a “first aid” remedy par excellence, treating a host of minor injuries, aches and pains on both the physical and emotional level.

Chakra Affinity Crown and Solar Plexus

Lavender is a “balancer”, helping the higher and lower centres in harmony. It can benefit all the chakras, both calming and energising, with its strongest affinity for the Crown and Solar Plexus chakra.

Essential Oil for Peaceful Sleep, Calming and Sedating


Harmonises the physical, etheric and astral bodies which indicates a positive effect on psychological disorders. Cleanses and soothes the spirit relieving anger and exhaustion to help create a calmer approach to life. Balancing effect on manic-depressive states.
Calming, relaxing effects can help in reaching deeper state of meditation.


None at usual doses. Quite non-toxic, very suitable for children and in pregnancy
Toxicity - Rating 3 A very safe oil for general use.

Therapeutic applications:

Emotional or mental unrest, anxiety, stress, depression, heart palpitations, insomnia, disturbed sleep. High blood pressure, migraine, headaches (especially tension). Tight solar plexus (stress, anxiety), muscular cramps and spasms. Coughs, spasmodic asthma, wheezing. “Nervous” stomach, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis.
Nausea or vomiting, including, morning sickness, constipation, liver related headaches, liver/gall bladder congestion.
Onset of cold or flu with fever. Eruptive fevers such as measles, chicken pox etc. Respiratory, urogenital, eye and ear infections, thrush.
Use in preparation for childbirth, last one to two months of pregnancy. Painful., difficult labour. Retained placenta.
Bruises, contusions. Phlebitis.
Cold extremities, muscular and joint pains - wind/damp/cold; neuralgia. “Intestines damp” with appetite loss, chilliness, loose stool, abdominal distension and pain. “Genito-urinary damp / cold” with scant, frequent, clear urination, back pain, clear vaginal discharges, delayed scanty menstruation with cramps. Possible use in infertility.
For various infections - respiratory, urogenital, intestinal, ear, eye, skin etc. Wounds, burns, ulcers. Animal and insect bites. Rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis. Possible use in hair loss.

To be continued...

by Amrita Court

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