Best Infant to Kid Essential Oils | Amrita Court Global – Tagged "Calming nerves, relaxing tone, Grounding wood Tone, bundle, Under weather, Mind clearing, reassure undisturbed"– Amrita Court Essential Oils

Purest Lavender Oil to Calm and Soothe Your Newborn Naturally

As a new parent, you want to ensure that every product and ingredient you use for your newborn is safe and beneficial. Essential oils have recently become a natural alternative for various health concerns. Yet, determining which essential oils, like lavender oil, are safe for infants and kids can be overwhelming due to the many options available. At Amrita Court Global, we understand the importance of purity and quality, especially for sensitive and young skin. Therefore, our Kid’s Blends essential oils are specially formulated to be gentle and safe on your newborn’s skin.

Why Lavender Oil is Considered A Powerful Ingredient for Newborn Babies

When you discuss essential oils, isn’t lavender the first name that comes to your mind? Lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has been around for a long time. Due to its gentle and calming fragrance, this remedy has been widely favoured for generations to enhance sleep quality and patterns.

With Amrita Court Global, you can always count on quality. Our skilled team of passionate aromatherapists, biochemists, and researchers has studied and created a powerful range of essential oils that are safe for infants and kids.

Top Reasons to Choose Our Lavender Oil for Your Newborns

With its calming and soothing properties, our essential oils for newborns infused with true lavender are ideal. From promoting better sleep and relaxation to potentially providing relief from pain, the soothing aroma of lavender oil can support your baby's health and well-being.

  • Perfect Sleep Time: A soothing bath infused with a touch of lavender essential oil provides newborns with a calming experience. Give them this gentle ritual 15 minutes before bedtime to promote peaceful sleep.
  • Calm Anxiety, Crying and Irritability: Lavender oil diffuses as a calming massage that helps lower anxiety and ease any emotional distress, including (ADHD).
  • Burns: A mixture of 5 drops of lavender oil and aloe vera, taken 3 times daily, soothes the pain and acts as a quick healer for your newborn.
  • Cold, Cough, and Congestion: Does your baby have a stuffy nose or a cough? Our Kid’s blend infused with lavender, lemon, and peppermint oils can relieve and clear your baby's airways.
  • Diaper Rash and Eczema: You can relieve your baby’s pain from diaper rash irritation and redness with just a 1 drop of Lavender oil mixed with Roman Chamomile and coconut oil.

Discover the Uniqueness of Our Essential Oils Collection

Essential oils have benefits. But, you must learn to dilute them and understand each oil's benefits and risks. This is key to keeping your baby safe and healthy. Explore our selective range of essential oils designed to be safe for infants and kids:

  • Little Easy Breath: A gentle formulation - Little Easy Breathe is explicitly crafted for babies and children up to 12 years old. It offers effective relief from coughs and congestion caused by colds, viral infections, or hay fever with its exceptional anti-infectious and anti-viral properties.
  • Little Energy and Focus: Experience the beauty of our natural formulation, Little Energy and Focus, designed to upgrade the energy levels of babies and children. It aids older kids in their primary years by enhancing focus and improving task efficiency.
  • Little Calming: In moments of stress or anxiety, our Little Calming formulation proves to be a true miracle worker for children. Whether your little ones are feeling upset, worried, angry, or anxious, our gentle blend is designed to soothe their minds and restore a sense of calm.

What Makes Amrita Court Global Apart?

  • A Dedicated Team Striving for Excellence
  • Varied Essential oil Blends
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Focus on Customer Satisfaction

Pamper your newborn with the soothing effects of lavender essential oil.